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“There are times in your life when all hope seems lost. You feel like you are at the bottom of a pit that you never expected to be in, and you don’t know how to crawl out. Where do you turn? How do you escape?

Abounding Grace Ministries is a guiding light. It’s not a critical or judgmental house of opinions. It’s not a place to find whether you measure up. It’s a comforting home of ideas and reassurance. It’s a reminder and a refocus of what matters. It’s an anchor of hope and a connection to God’s word.

After struggling in a marriage with bad communication, and eventually infidelity, Abounding Grace helped us to peal back the layers of hurt and regrets, and find peace in a situation that brought us to the brink. There are few people who can help others find hope in situations that feel hopeless. Mike and Julie provide that hope through an uncanny ability to guide and encourage, reassure and reaffirm. Whether you are a devout Christian or you struggle in your walk with Christ, they help you find a path that brings strength and confidence when you need it most.

While they are teachers and friends through it all, they remind you there is a greater good working in you. God’s love has found its resting place in your heart and they are simply a vessel that helps Him arrive.”


“A little less than two years ago, we went through a very difficult time in our marriage. At the time, we lived in Ohio. When our marriage was in crisis, we reached out to Mike and Julie. They had walked alongside us before, and we knew they would provide sound biblical counseling. Even though we lived 900 miles away, we counseled over the phone several times and met with them when visiting Enid. Mike and Julie continue to provide support for us as we fight to rebuild trust and intimacy. We will forever be thankful for their wise, biblical counsel.”

-David and Paula Minx

“What a perfect time of the year to express my gratitude to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for leading me to Mike and Julie Davis and Abounding Grace Ministries!

It was about a year ago that I began to experience the ravaging effects of so many losses in my life – emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. I was new to the area and had no idea where to turn. Through a series of events and a recommendation, I was led to this loving and caring ministry.

I was anxious and fearful at first about bearing my soul to my counselor, Julie. However, over the weeks and months that we met, she very gently led me to a place of trust and surrender. Without blame or shame, she spoke words of life to me. I felt no condemnation from her, which gave me courage to share my heart.

That was the beginning of healing. I believe I am on a journey of complete restoration to the plan that God had ordained from the beginning.

Thank you, Mike and Julie, and the many who support this ministry. It gives those of us who desperately need it, the opportunity to experience God’s awesome love and abounding grace.

Thank you so much!”

-Nancy Shamburg-Ong

“We have all suffered various difficult circumstances in our lives. Most of mine, I’ll have to admit, were brought upon myself through my own choices.

Therefore, I haven’t always felt deserving of the many wonderful blessings God had in store for me. Applying biblical teachings and precepts to my life has enabled me to begin to understand the vast grace, mercy and love the Lord has for his children.

Believing in Christ’s love and forgiveness has been essential to overcoming situations in my life that have affected me.

Practicing biblical principles has not only helped me overcome my shortcomings, but has empowered me to accomplish things I once only deeply desired.

Through the love of God, I have started to received some of the blessings he has in store for each and every one of us.

Having experienced the blessings of a changed life through Christ, I recommend taking a step in faith. Abounding Grace Biblical Counseling Ministries Inc. not only welcomes the opportunity to introduce lost, hurting people to Jesus, but teaches people how to live surrendered lives of trusting faith. Transformed lives is their passion, as they help people grow in biblical truths and precepts that apply to the issues of the heart, and confront the powerful struggles within. The struggles that often interfere with overcoming hurts, habits and hang-ups, and with experiencing the abundant life in Christ.

My hope is that you will contact AGM, and begin a life changing journey of growing in the abounding grace of God.”

Gratitude in Him,

-Rodney Fowler

“Raised in a dysfunctional and abusive family, my childhood was wrought with fear and pain. As an adult, the very instincts that kept me alive as a child, now worked against me. I perceived everyone as untrustworthy.

When my mother passed away suddenly, my world was rocked, for a realized that one of my many roles in the family was to protect her, and I failed. Devastated, I entered into counseling with Julie. Through solid biblical counseling, I re-learned healthier roles and found purpose as a child of God. Many times I had to face self-destructive behaviors and choices that caused difficult consequences. However, I slowly began to trust God, trust her, and trust others. I was able to create a healthier environment for my own children.

The road was painful, and still is at times, but God has given me beauty for ashes. Today I am enjoying life.

Although dysfunctional families are today’s norm, and traditional marriage is threatened by a sinful and out of control culture, we must continue fighting to keep Christ in our families. By supporting Abounding Grace Ministries, we can help provide an opportunity where money isn’t a deciding factor on whether someone can obtain help and spiritual growth. Supporting AGM is a priceless investment in healing our country, one individual and family at a time.”

-Nancy Hromas

“As a local pastor and wife, we, like many in the community, have personal struggles. We have discovered the difficulty in today’s church culture through finding an environment that would allow us to be honest, open and transparent, without judgment or isolation. We needed a place where we could share our feelings and struggles, while feelings safe enough to pursue the hard work of recovery.

We are both grateful that in the midst of our hurts, conflicts, addiction and struggles, our heavenly Father had raised Mike and Julie and Abounding Grace Ministries as a spiritually sound place – the setting we need for healing and recovery. Although our work is not complete, we now have hope that our individual lives and marriage are being restored through God’s faithfulness and grace.

May God continue to bless the work of Abounding Grace Ministries and Mike and Julie Davis.”

With gratitude,

-A ministry couple for 20 plus years.

“Mike and Julie Davis, through the ministry of Abounding Grace, guided us through the process of pre-marital counseling, while healing and moving on from the pain of our previous marriages. They gently directed us through the minefield of emotions and relational difficulties. More over, they explored with us how God was using these circumstances to grow us as His children, and develop a deeper level of trust in Him.

They were incredibly encouraging as we came to realize the positive changes God was making in us. When we began the process of courting, Mike and Julie were right there to help us dig deeper into the core of our relationship. They provided Godly insight and challenged us to dive into deeper levels of intimacy. They provided a safe environment for us to vocalize and discuss concerns, fears, joy and hopes.

We called them the locksmiths of the heart, as they revealed to us areas to discuss and inventory. We know we are better as individuals and a couple because of the influence of their counsel. We are grateful to God for all their work in us, and to see His goodness giving us a second chance at the blessing of marriage.”

-Dave and Bel Marshall

“In this day and age, people are facing more heartache, pain, and sadness than ever before. Suicide rates, divorces, and depression are at an all time high in our city. As I reflect on the ministry Abounding Grace does for the community, many thoughts and feelings come to mind.

I have referred many clients, family, and friends to Abounding Grace. As a licensed professional counselor in Enid, it can be difficult to find quality people to refer clients to when there are specific needs. There is a comfort and peace having a solid and spirit filled ministry to refer people who are in a broken place. God has used AGM to provide quality counseling, spiritual guidance, as well as a secluded and confidential location to provide healing to many people I know, including myself.

AGM is a blessing to this community as well as a vital part of the counseling ministry in Enid. Mike and Julie have a specific area of specialty that is not found in any other agency in our community. It is a unique gift for them to minister to couples as a couple for marriage sessions, as well as individually use their talents for God as well. They pray for each person who comes into session, which again pours Christ into the lives of each person who comes to their building. If our community did not have Abounding Grace, many people would not receive the loving, truth based help they desire and need. Supporting AGM and giving financially to this ministry, is directly in line with Gods kingdom. As a clinician, community member, and friend, I appreciate all the love and help this ministry gives on a daily basis.”

Love in Christ,

-Jennifer Sullivan, LPC Licensed Professional Counselor

“Mike and Julie provide a much-needed service and ministry for Enid, and it’s residents through the counseling they provide at Abounding Grace Ministries. Their approach to counseling is deeply connected with their Christian faith. This allows them to provide Christ-centered, biblically-based help while providing and meeting the needs of their clients with the skill and expertise that they have gained through education and the many years they have been counseling. I have observed that it is their mission to walk alongside individuals, couples, and families during the challenges that life presents.

I am thankful for the work and ministry that they provide and believe it to be an eternal investment, both for their clients and for those who contribute to this life-giving ministry. Won’t you please consider giving to this worthwhile tax-deductible ministry through a onetime donation, or by becoming a monthly supporter.”

-Kim Day, Women’s Equipper and Mobilizer Biblical Counselor, Sojourn Enid Church

“I am so honored to write an endorsement for Abounding Grace Ministries. Mike and Julie’s 33 years of counseling experience have benefited the Enid community by supporting the emotional and spiritual health of many of it’s residents.

I am one such recipient of their Christ-centered guidance. I have worked with Julie through many emotional situations this past year. She has always pointed me back to what will honor God most and what will restore harmony in my relationships. Her years of experience give her a unique perspective and understanding.

I encourage you to join my family in making a tax-deductible charitable contribution to Abounding Grace Ministries. Mike and Julie counsel people in need on a donation basis, allowing all who need guidance to receive it. They are able to do this because of these charitable contributions from people like you and me. Please consider making a one-time donation or becoming a monthly supporter.”

-Tana Redelsperger